Memantine hydrochloride (Mem-ant-een hi-droh-clor-ride) is a medicine which is used in Alzheimer’s disease.
Name:Memantine hydrochloride


Molecular Formula:C12H21N.HCl

CAS Registry Number:41100-52-1


Appearance:Crystalline Solid

Molecular Weight:179.30184

Boiling Point:239.8 °C at 760 mmHg

Melting Point:292 °C

Flash Point:92.3 °C

Storage Temperature:-20°C Freezer


Usage: Memantine hydrochloride is used as an antiparkinsonian and antispasmodic.
Memantine hydrochloride is not suitable for everyone and some people should never use it. Other people should only use it with special care. It is important that the person prescribing this medicine knows your full medical history.

The following types of medicine may interact with Memantine hydrochloride:






*oral anticoagulants

If you are taking Memantine hydrochloride and one of the above medicines or types of medicines, make sure your prescriber knows about it.